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Monday, November 21, 2005

Today I had an epiphany of sorts. I decided that instead of blogging about serious serious things, I'ld blog about something I love best. Well.. some thingS at least... CLOTHES BAGS SHOES JEWELLERY>> Yumm :)

And it can be all for a good cause.

In order to re-awaken a desperately needed aids/HIV awareness, the Beauty Without Irony Foundation – headed by Ninette Murk, who also was creative director of Designers do Denim in 2001 – is launching DESIGNERS AGAINST AIDS – a project/fashion line aimed to get AIDS back into the media. DAA is T-shirt/jersey based fashion line sold in fashion, concept and music shops. The items are designed by famous and emerging fashion designers, DJ’s, musicians, photographers, sports celebs, street artists...

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The launch collection T shirts (sponsored by Umbro) has been created by fashion designers Bernhard Willhelm, Marina Yee (one of the original Antwerp Six), Spanish fashion design duo Spastor, British goalkeeper David James, photographer Kimiko Yoshida, German music & lifestyle magazine Spex and the music celebs: Scissor Sisters, The Cardigans, Robert Smith of The Cure and Faithless.

And for something a little closer to home, on Saturday, Nick & I went shopping. OK, more like i dragged him kicking and screaming (albeit silently) to go shopping with me since I haven't shopped for like eons and online shopping ain't enough. We discovered this really really cool shop of a local designer, Beno, at Heeren. It's called Benno LaMode. You must must check it out.

This is him

I'll try not to rave too much, but he sure has some gorgeous stuff. I can't wait for the christmas collection and the rest of spring summer 06 to come out. You can check out his photo albums of the snapshots of his collection from singapore fashion week. Just don't be like me and pick that off-shoulder midnight blue top because he gave me an apologetic look and said ' oh, umm, that's actually my haute couture range.. it's S$800+ because the fabric's from Christian Lacroix.' Good for anyone of you who's thinking of getting married i guess. Meanwhile, I can only afford pret a porter.
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Well, if it's any consolation he has some preview pieces of his spring summer collections =D

Last but not least.
Trust me you'll love this

J'adore Couture 8:20 PM

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